Additional information


No subscription fee nor redemption fee is charged.

The fund administration fee is 2% per annum. The daily fund unit value reflects the deducted administration fee.

Total client relationships allow for changes in tariff rate.

External services

When exercising investment fund activities, the Fund Company may engage external services that for example relate to accountancy or computer technology, as well as to subscription and redemption orders.

Market soundings

The following fund manager is Fondita´s contact persons in matters concerning market soundings:

Owner’s Policy

The Principles of Governance for Fondita Fund Management Company Ltd. can be found here.

Insider Register

The public insider register is available at Fondita Fund Management company. Additional information from

Error List

The Fund Management Company maintains an error list according to the directives given by the Financial Supervision. The error list contains the errors that have appeared in the calculation of the value of fund units. The errors are also described. Threshold for significant error in value calculation is 0,50%.

Order execution

A summary of Fondita’s guidelines for order execution is found here.

Financial reports

Financial reports are available upon request from


We appreciate feedback from our customers. You can always contact your personal client manager or call us at +358 9 66 89 89 0. If you would like to give us written feedback you can e-mail it to or send it to the address; Fondita Fund Management Company, Aleksanterinkatu 48 A, 00100 Helsinki, Finland. We provide written instructions concerning complaints according to the guidelines of the Financial Supervision Authority.

Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice describes how Fondita Fund Management Company processes personal data, what personal data Fondita collects, for what purposes the data is used and to whom the data can be disclosed. The Privacy Notice also informs about the obligations Fondita follows when processing personal data. The Privacy Notice document has been updated to comply with the GDPR requirements, and it can be found here.

Fund trading days 

Fondita’s funds are in general open on every Finnish banking day. Exceptions to these days can be made if a significant part of the fund’s target markets are closed. Fondita maintains a list of the trading day of the funds. The list is published once a year and can be found here.

Fondita’s objective valuation principles (summary)

Fondita’s objective valuation principles can be found here.

Board and Auditors


Magnus von Knorring, M.Sc.(Econ), Chairman
Fredrik von Knorring, M.Sc. (Econ)
Gunvor Kronman, M.Sc. (Arts)
Timo Luukkainen, B.Sc. (Econ.), M.Sc. (Eng.), MBA
Gustav Ohlsson, M.Sc. (Econ)


Anders Svennas, CPA
Matias Jäntti, CPA

Deputy Auditors

Ernst & Young Oy

The share capital is 227 640,00 euro

Custodian Bank

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (publ), Helsinki branch

Supervisory Authority

Finnish Financial Supervision Authority, Fin-FSA

Renumeration policy

Fondita’s remuneration policy can be found here.

This page was last updated

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